Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Confessions and a possible mid-life crisis

If you didn't have a chance to read the last post, you didn't miss much, and I deleted it.  It was short and boring and didn't say anything really.  So, I'm trying again.
So, its April, and I think that this makes it about a year since I started this endeavor.  I can't really say that this has been a huge success, but at least, I have a way to vent without anyone smacking me about the head.  As far as gardening goes, I have plenty of seedlings hardening to put into the ground in the next week.  The first round of green beans and already in the ground, and the next wave will go in with the tomato, eggplant, and pepper seedlings.  I think I need to wait 2 more weeks for okra to go in, but I think that I am safe to put in the corn.  Dill and basil seedlings are everywhere.  The asparagus is sparse but growing.  And if ANYONE has any idea how to stop the spread of the freakin' Chinese chives, I would love to hear it.  I am going to try not to be obsessed with the garden this year, but I can tell that my search for balance will probably have to continue on a bit longer.
I've been finding, recently, that balance is no longer something that I'm really good at.  If I could find a turning point for when this started, I would have to say, maybe 2 years ago.  Perhaps it was one of the millions of moments that I've had thinking, "this is not where I thought I would be at this point in my life".  Maybe not. 
All I know is that when I find something to do, believe in, think, there ain't no stoppin' me.  I started to workout on a regular basis again about 6 months ago.  I couldn't just go to the gym and lift weights and run on the treadmill or take an aerobics class.  I had to join an outdoor boot camp, and workout intensely for 3 days a week.  And then that wasn't enough, so I had to add 1, then 2, then 3 days of running to go with it.  Thankfully, I have reigned that in a bit.  Then I decided that I needed a goal - a half marathon.  So I signed up for that.  Wait, that isn't enough, so I need to do a Warrior Dash too.  No wait, that isn't enough either so I have to run another race this weekend.
I've never been too outdoorsy, even though I work in the industry.  But in the last few months, I've been on more hikes than I had in the past 5 years.  I tried rock climbing for the first time - climbed so much I couldn't open my peanut butter jar for 3 days.  I took my son backpacking.  I dragged my 4 year old on 3 mile hikes.  I worked out at boot camp AND ran 5 miles directly afterwards.  I washed, dried, and folded 8 loads of laundry in one day.  Wait, that last one is normal.  
In the garden, I started out with wanting to do the corn and beans again, let the strawberries continue to roll, and then maybe a tomato plant or two and call it a day.  Now, nothing new is in the ground yet, and I have strawberries, asparagus, 3 kinds of cherry/grape tomatoes, 1 heirloom tomato, 2 kinds of peppers, eggplants, 2 frames of corn, a full frame of okra, dill, basil, thyme, rosemary, ever present Chinese garlic chives, and am still trying to decide if I want to do sweet potatoes again.  Huuuuuuu, big breath.
I am also obsessed with Greek yogurt, soup stock, and cheese.  Did I tell you about the time that I went out and bought beef marrow and lamb neck bones just to make stock and then had nothing planned to do with the stock??  That was intelligent.  Stupid French cook boot that I'm reading.
So, while this blog is about coaxing out the best in something, I think that I need some reigning in.  And so, I blame the whole thing on a mid-life crisis.  I look forward to old age, so that I can take it down a notch.

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